Friday, December 12, 2008


So, sadly I have not found a specific touchstone that I can remember. There have been so many times that I have read something that opens my eyes to something and makes me see things in a completely knew way, but after a while they become completely lost to me. I get so caught up in the rest of the reading I rarely remember what had just opened my eyes. Even though I cannot think of a touchstone there was a time when I was reading that so many connections came together for me and everything began to make since. When I was reading Phillip Pullmans, His Dark Materials there was a part in it when Mary Malon has to enter a new world. She asks Dust where it is and he tells her the portal is on Sunderland Ave. I was completely excited because in Children's lit Sunderland and Wonderland are major themes in our class and I had no Idea how His Dark Materials was connected. Then as soon as I saw Sunderland in the book so many connections started appearing. I saw how Lyra was like Dorothy and Alice and how there was so much more to this book then what first appeared.

I remember it being really late at night and having no one to share my excitement with. I know that this isn't something that has changed my life or altered my view on the world but it was definitely and moment where so many things just came together and made since to me.

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