Don Quixote
As of now I am about 220 pages into Don Quixote and find it wonderful. I absolutely love Don Quixote and even more Sancho. As ashamed as I am to say I had no idea what Don Quixote was about before I began reading. I just love how absolutely crazy Quixote is and how utterly gullible Sancho is. One of my favorite part in the book is when Don Quixote is describing his healing potion to Sancho. All he explains is after his potion is completely finished there is no way for him to be injured. I think it was great when he says if he was to be cut in half all Sancho has to do is put his two halves together and he would be fine. I just thought this idea was completely absurd yet hilarious how everything works out to his advantage. Even when he makes his strange potion, which makes him, completely ill he believes that was the exact purpose of it.
I am excited to see what Don Quixote gets himself into and what another 700 something pages could be full of.
I am excited to see what Don Quixote gets himself into and what another 700 something pages could be full of.
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